Diploma in Casting Technology Reference: 60010253


  • Engineering Manufacture - Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)
  • Code: 539
  • Type: 2 - Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)
  • Pathway: 13 - Engineering Woodworking, Pattern and Modelmaking
  • Effective from: 09 September 2013
  • Effective to: 31 July 2020
  • Component type: 2 - Knowledge Element within an Apprenticeship
  • Issuing authority: 126 - Semta

  • Engineering Manufacture - Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)
  • Code: 539
  • Type: 2 - Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)
  • Pathway: 7 - Materials Processing and Finishing
  • Effective from: 09 September 2013
  • Effective to: 31 July 2020
  • Component type: 2 - Knowledge Element within an Apprenticeship
  • Issuing authority: 126 - Semta